

I’ve debated about whether I should do this or not and have come to the conclusion that I have too many sites as it is and would like to keep everything together. So, my blog will officially be at my personal site:


To my friends on the blogroll, if you still want to be kept please comment at oncoming-storm.org and let me know because I’d be more than happy to add you back. If not I understand, I move too much 😛

Damn, I had forgotten to apply for the John Denver and Fats Domino fanlistings and just now I received two approvals (Marvin Gaye and Neil Diamond) for the Musicians: Male category *facepalm* Talk about your missed opportunity but imagine me trying to get 5 fanlistings up within two weeks (I was also approved for the Wayne Gretzky fanlisting), eek! So maybe it was a good thing.

But, damn, I’ve applied for so many it’s getting ridiculous (although I highly doubt I’ll get approved for the “popular” ones). This is who/what I’ve applied for so far that I can remember:

01. Marvin Gaye (approved)
02. Neil Diamond (approved)
03. ee cummings
04. Ernest Hemingway
05. Stephen King (ah, I hope I get this!)
06. Bram Stoker
07. Leighton Meester
08. 12 Grimmauld Place
09. Highway 61 Revisited (and this as well!)

I’m sure there are more but, like I said, I can’t remember. I think after I hear back about all of those, then I’ll apply for John Denver and Fats Domino just to see what my options are and if I have too many then. I just really want the Stephen King and Highway 61 Revisited fanlistings terribly!

EDIT: I forgot to say! There are two fanlistings for TV Characters that are on the Troubles List for a dead link and, I don’t want to sound rude, but I hope they become open for applications because I want them SO bad! One is even on my wishlist!

Just popping in quickly to say that I’ve been selected to become a Trouble Checker for the Literature category at The Fanlistings Network! Lorraine said I should be added to the “group” some time in the upcoming week. I’m so excited and I can’t wait to get started!

Raine – I’m going to the library on Monday I believe, and I’m going to check out as many Neil Young albums as I can 😀 Hopefully the library will have his albums but it would be my luck someone has checked them out already.

Now I’ve got to stop being lazy and add some pages to Tea Clock and add everyone else to my blogroll!

Hello world!

I find it a lot easier to blog this way; I feel as if it won’t be a necessity to update this every few days or weeks. I suppose I’ll just use this blog for friends and leave my other one open or I’ll put up a HTML page soon(ish). Poor little oncoming-storm.org just sitting there all alone! I’ve had that domain for almost a year and I still don’t know what to use it as; I’d use o-s.org as a fanlisting collective but as I have no control over the domain (it’s owned by one of my online friends) I don’t know if it’ll stay there that long. Hopefully Carina will continue to host me @ velut-luna.org but she didn’t say whether or not she’ll be renewing her domain. Argh.

It’s quite bare here at the moment, but I’ll get the content back up soon! Take care everyone!

p.s. You all should check out Dinah Washington! She’s lovely. Her voice reminds me of a cross between Etta James and Rosemary Clooney!